Welcome Message from Maureen Kelly
Hello Everyone:
hope this finds you all well, wrapping up your summer activities, and
readying yourselves for another academic year that will be productive,
challenging and fun!
Welcome back to our returning Art Ed students and a warm welcome to our
new Art Ed students from all the faculty and staff in the Department.
We are so looking forward to the 2007-2008 academic year and working
with you as you progress on your journey to becoming artist teachers.
To kick-off the year with significant energy and focus we will meet with all the undergraduate students and all the post-bac (Teacher Preparation Program – TPP) students as a group on Wednesday Sept. 5, 2007. For the first time the College has set aside this day as a bi-annual studio orientation day for each department. In Art Education we plan to meet at 10:00 a.m. in the Arnheim Gallery and work together that day until about 3:00 p.m.
Gallery of Images from the September 5th Orientation Workshop lead by Dr. John Crowe
photos by John Crowe and Eleanor Ramsay
Dr. John Crowe will facilitate a community artmaking event for the morning (with all our participation of course); we will then move to a working lunch (food and drink provided by the Department) together; and round out the afternoon with break-out sessions with advisees and advisors; discussion of departmental plans / events for this upcoming year; informal chats with staff, students and faculty; the Art Ed website; general announcements about times and places to discuss or find out about: MTEL policies, student teaching deadlines, studio assignments and policies, opportunities for work; and more!
So please do pen this day and plan into your calendar or type it into your PDA. We need everyone enrolled to come and be a part of this first bi-annual event. We (the Art Education staff and faculty) are really looking forward to spending the day with you and setting the year in motion together!
Warmest regards,
Maureen Kelly, Ed.D.
Art Education