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A blog sponsored by the Counseling and Wellness Center at MassArt
Shots iGot AlcoDroid SoberApp DrinkTracker
From res hall guidelines to serving alcohol at events, follow the link to find out about MassArt’s alcohol policy:
According to the Campus Clarity program most recently completed by MassArt students, over 65% of MassArt students had 0-4 alcoholic drinks in the past month? More students are choosing not to consume alcoholic beverages, and if they do, are choosing
Every year, drinking affects college students and can lead to a number of consequences including injuries, sexual abuse and assault, academic problems, health issues, general assaults, and even death. If you’re worried about yourself or a friend, call the Counseling
Alcohol Poisoning Alcohol poisoning is the body’s reaction to excessive, unhealthy, levels of alcohol. It is very possible to overdose on alcohol, and if alcohol poisoning is left untreated, it can lead to short- and long-term health consequences, even death.
BAC Calculator Free Calculator
Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Charts
Safer Drinking Tips If you’re going to drink, try out these tips to make sure it’s a night you’ll remember. Pace yourself The body can only metabolize one standard drink of alcohol per hour. Set a limit Decide beforehand how