Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in the U.S. It can lead to cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, and diabetes, and affects nonsmokers too through secondhand smoke. This page includes resources, tips for smoking cessation, and other information to help you make smart and healthy decisions.

Are you one of the over 70% of people who want to quit smoking?? Look below to find out how to you can stop!

Top 10 Tips to Quit

  1. Set a quit date. Once you have a date, make a plan and stick to it. Decide how you will avoid cravings before they happen.
  2. Make your life ready to be smoke-free. After you’ve had your last cigarette, throw away all of your ashtrays, lighters, and cigarettes. Wash any clothes that smell like smoke.
  3. Check out apps to help you quit. Apps such as QuitIt Lite, LIVESTRONG MyQuit Coach, andmore  to help you track your progress, set goals, and avoid cravings.
  4. Don’t do it alone — Use friends, family, and co-workers for support.
  5. Avoid triggers — if there is a situation in which you usually smoke, change the situation. For example, if you usually smoke after eating, plan to go for a walk instead.
  6. Find a replacement. If you use smoking as a way to de-stress, think of something relaxing you could do instead-drink tea, take a short nap, exercise, watch a funny tv show.
  7. If you’ve tried to go cold turkey and not had success, consider using quit aids such as gums, patches, sprays, electronic cigarettes, or prescriptions to help.
  8. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Research shows that it takes many people several tries to quit smoking for good, but the more times you try the better your odds for success.
  9. Reward yourself. With all the money you will save not having to buy cigarettes, plan on buying yourself something to celebrate a week, a month, or two months smoke-free. This will help motivate you and remind you of the financial benefits of quitting.
  10. It might sound corny, but think positive. If you believe you can quit, you have a much better chance at succeeding.

*Wentworth Institute of Technology Office of Wellness Education

Tips for Quitting Smoking