According to the Campus Clarity program most recently completed by MassArt students, over 65% of MassArt students had 0-4 alcoholic drinks in the past month?

More students are choosing not to consume alcoholic beverages, and if they do, are choosing to consume fewer drinks.

Binge drinking is identified as 4 or more drinks for women and 5 or more drinks for men on one occasion.

Alternate between non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks to spread out the frequency of alcohol, and reduce your chances for a hangover and other consequences.

Myth: “Beer before liquor, you’ll never be sicker. Liquor before beer and you’re in the clear”

It doesn’t matter what order you are drinking alcohol, only the content of the alcohol and your own body’s reaction to the alcohol.
There is NO cure for a hangover.

The only cure for a hangover is time. Remember to alternate between non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks to decrease your chances for a hangover, and you’ll be much happier the next day!

Did You Know That…?