Are you getting enough sleep? Chances are likely that if you are typical of most college students, you are not. Whether you are staying up late working in your studio or socializing with friends until the early hours of the morning, you are probably depriving your body of important hours of rest. Lack of rest can compromise your immune system which makes you more vulnerable to physical illness. It can also contribute to irritability and other symptoms of depression or anxiety
How to help you sleep better
- Daily or frequent exercise can help improve sleep cycle.
- Develop a late night relaxation routine to help calm you down.
- If you have trouble falling asleep, try getting out of bed and doing something relaxing before returning to bed.
- Try to maintain regular sleep cycles to keep your body accustomed to the routine of when to expect waking and sleeping hours.
- Use a fan or air purifier if you cannot control the noise around your sleeping area.
- Take a warm shower or bath.
- Read a book, do a crossword puzzle, play sudoku, or other activities to try to relax your mind.
What not to do before sleep
- Do not exercise near to the time when you are trying to fall asleep.
- Avoid caffeinated drinks and nicotine in the late afternoon or evening.
- Alcohol may make you sleepy but it disrupts the natural sleep cycle and may wake you up mid-cycle.
- Avoid daytime napping unless it is for a brief nap prior to 3:00 p.m.
- If you are anxious about upcoming projects, get up and write a to-do list to try to get it off your mind.
- Heavy meals close to bedtime can delay sleep.
Check out this infographic for some info about sleep and tips for improving your sleep patterns!