The Colleges of the Fenway provides a wide array of religious and supportive services to students, faculty, and staff of all religious backgrounds. This includes individual campus ministries, personal counseling, interfaith prayer groups, retreats, educational programs, and opportunities to volunteer in local agencies and projects. A critical component of the college experience is having an opportunity for personal reflection, getting involved, and giving something back to one’s community and to society. The campus ministries of the Colleges of the Fenway welcome you into our community, offer our support, and invite you to become involved in those activities of interest.
Currently, MassArt students in need of a quiet meditation or prayer space can utilize Wentworth Prayer/Meditation room located adjacent to the The Flanagan Campus Center in Beatty Hall. Beatty Hall is located at 550 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115.
WIT Map of Campus: Student Resources – Meditation Room
Mondays – Fridays: 6AM-11PM
Saturdays: 8AM – 11PM
Sundays: 10AM – 11PM
Click here for more information about nearby religious organizations and places of worship that are accessible to all College of the Fenway students.