Plein Aire While On Vacation
Another Reductive Method Experiment
Reductive experiment; in oil instead of wiping paint off, I scraped it off with the tip of a palette knife. Oil on canvas, 30×24 inches.
Detail of scraped reductive painting.
A Girl with a Shell Earring
Work in progress, oil on linen canvas, 20×16 inches.
Work in progress, oil on linen canvas, 20×16 inches.
Work in progress, oil on linen canvas, 20×16 inches.
Work in progress, oil on linen canvas, 20×16 inches.
Work in progress, oil on linen canvas, 20×16 inches.
Seurat Studies for Powwow on La Grande Jatte
Oil on canvas, 5×6 inches.
Acrylic on canvas, 5×6 inches.
Oil on wood panel, 24 inches diameter
Color work experiment in oil
Trying out a new palette – burnt umber, cadmium green, teal blue, ultramarine purple, alizarin crimson, cadmium orange, cadmium yellow light, and titanium white.
Trying out a new palette – burnt umber, cadmium green, teal blue, ultramarine purple, alizarin crimson, cadmium orange, cadmium yellow light, and titanium white.
Trying out a new palette – burnt umber, cadmium green, teal blue, ultramarine purple, alizarin crimson, cadmium orange, cadmium yellow medium, and titanium white.
“The Beast of The North”, acrylic on canvas, 8×8 inches