Lucas Desouza

Rain iii:


When Delicate Steve took the stage, 

he engaged the audience with a joke

and you said his croak was like mine.

Timed on queue, an instrumental set.

I think god is trying to tell me something.



A forgotten moment of inspiration; 

the stimulation of music recording.

Elated to downtrodden quickly 

By a now broken bass, broken tool.

I think god is trying to tell me something.



My father’s nylon string guitar, 

what I rely on for my relaxation, 

ceased operations, closed shop.

Only half the notes showed up for work.

I think god is trying to tell me something.



The rain falls from clouded eyes today,

tonight, the next, the next, etc. 

The veins in my eyes are train tunnels. 

Take me somewhere nice 
