Nicole LaJoie

Lady Wades With Ceiba


A lady wades in shallow water amongst the Ceiba
Roots as tall as she, sink below depths
Coursing and sprouting, digging into rocky bottoms

Moons in the distance pull and elapse waves, softly crashing
Foaming and bubbling back to the sea

She calls to Owl, “land, my love.”
Long flights, guided by a starlit fantasy

Another creature, whispers wisdom through silent glances.

“I cannot hear your tongue”

She holds onto robust limbs, supporting the hemisphere above,

Across the calm banks, dark and twisted thoughts linger.

Entangled Hemlock fingers grope the air, reaching out.

“Not yet, not yet. . .”




Nicole LaJoie, currently, is a multi-media functional ceramic based artist. Her work incorporates writings and digital photography to create narratives.