Ben Nugent



After a bird shadow
Crosses the left hand side of the street
feet wallow and follow the beat
as worms dry on the concrete.

Even the geese look tied
flopping their flappers
along the flattened
grass patches.

Even my head grows tired
of being led ahead
and balanced on the neck
of a boy.

His shoes grow tired of balancing
a boy on their ankles
who carries himself lightly
with long strides.




My visual and written work deals with the absence and presence of selfhood among other things. I’m deeply concerned with the honesty of my images and words. Often times the less I feel I know about their meaning the more genuine I sense they are. The joy in making art for me is to pull images, sounds, and words from the fuzzy edges of my unconscious. When I’m lucky I can source from hypnogogic moments between wakefulness and sleep, the rest of the time I have to force myself to glean motifs and images while the end meaning of these impulses remains vague and elusive.