Ally Boyle

The Earth’s Palms


Are lined with full fields
Blackberries blueberries pumpkin patches
And light pink skies as far as your eyes can see

Her eyes gaze back kindly
A wink from a crescent moon
A slight smile covers us in April Sun
We built little homes across her tummy and
Come out to play in her light

The earth’s knees and elbows
They’re covered in vibrant wildflowers
The way I am
Congratulations from summers passed
Scrapes from running through her blueberry patches
Losing battles between my freckled skin and pricker bushes

Inhaling through whispering trees
I climb to their tops
Summer winds sing
And she carries me home

She lets me be told




My poetry is often surreal and bittersweet. Usually, it’s dark and set at night. Thought, the feeling I want to leave my reader with is hope. I fixate on moments that felt magic to me and to transfer that feeling into my work. My poetry often views the human body as a place. It often makes references to the Forest and nature; because of my experiences growing up exploring the woods and going to Canada and staying in a cabin in the woods every summer. I try and lace my poetry with imagery to match the emotion in that poem.