Paris Stone

The Leaf


I rose up with the burning star

Feasting on sweet warm air

Blowing through me


I stretched and reached to my fiery mother

And clinging to me another mother shared my food

Brought me water up our veins


With time I aged and withered

Dried out from darkened days

My soft skin hardened further

I became disconnected from those veins

Hardened and brittle

Shaking from the slightest breeze


Finally, I was ripped off one day

The strong winds grabbed me

They flung me down to damp earth

I crumbled back down into comfort

Hugged by soft blankets of frost

Then of snow

With each day a part of me was lost, taken back


But now I felt part of something larger,


The presence of my mother’s veins

My own dissolved self going back to her

I felt one with the infinite rolling ground

Every little life attached to me


Until all of me was gone

But now I was a piece of everything