Aurora Ciornoava

There’s Two of Us and One Must Go


We breathe the same air,

Yet we are of different worlds.

You may stand within the confines of four walls with me,

But I never face you.

Your touch lingers where I have touched,

Yet our fingers never meet.

You speak with my voice,

You laugh as I do;

The vibrations within your chest I feel too.


We are not the same.


Aurora I do not claim you,

Not your submissive ways nor your passive thoughts,

Not your foolishness nor your selfishness.


I am without a doubt “you”, but I’ve long separated us.


For as your eyes nervously dart about the room,

I take the opportunity to seek out and calculate.

Your fingers they fidget and tug,

But I grab and claim.

Your head it bows in submissiveness,

Yet mine in secrecy – so that nobody can gauge my sharp looks.

So while you stutter and apologize I speak my mind unbashful,

And while you hide behind the bodies of others

I scream for the opportunity to stand tall with my chin jutted out.


Aurora we are of the one but so much different.

I no longer wish to hide, rather I demand to be seen.

Locked away behind meat, bone, and flesh,

Let me tear this body open and stand naked and anew in its cavity, bloodied by the past.

This past I ache to leave behind,

For I have long discarded your old ways in attempts to redefine “me”.


So give me the reins, give me control,

And we will see the world with my eyes, feel the world with my hands –

And merge together until the line between “you” and “me” is long blurred and unrecognizable –

Until we are “us”.