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About This Blog

Fresh Catnip illustrates what Mass Art students and faculty create together in Liberal Arts. We demonstrate here what dazzles, amazes, intrigues, invents, uncovers, conjoins. In Liberal Arts, we help students connect with the energy we call inspiration. Mind sets hand in motion.

Your Fall 2021-Spring 2022 Mass Art Liberal Arts Faculty:

•Hossein Alizadeh•Chris Bakriges•Sara-Anne Beaulieu•Paul-André Bempéchat•Gerry Bilodeau•Cheryl Clark•Josh Cohen•Jennifer Cole• Chico Colvard•Kristin Demary•Jeanette Eberhardy•Norrie Epstein•Jennie-Rebecca Falcetta•Robert Gerst•Alan Gluck•Max Grinnell•Lin Haire-Sargeant•Debbie Hagan•Carol Hall•Denise Harlan•Michael Hamburger•Gunta Kaza•Peter Kenagy•Jan Kubasiewicz•Albert Lafarge•Lisong Liu•Divya Menon•Richard Murphy•Saul Nava•Judith Nies•Karla Odenwald•Marika Preziuso•Cindy Smith•Maura Smyth•Leon Steinmetz•Daphne Strassman•Shuba Sunder•Enzo Surin•Chris Stribakos•Jasminka Udovicki•Christine Vitale