On the Free Search for Truth and Its Free Exposition
In the months before his death, Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011), reaffirmed his lifelong search for truth. Of those who would supplant the search for truth with group-think, orthodoxy, and dogma, Hitchens wrote:
To have spent so long learning relatively little, and then to be menaced in every aspect of my life by people who already know everything, and who have all the information they need…More depressing still, to see that in the face of this vicious assault so many of the best lack all conviction, hesitating to defend the society that makes their existence possible, while the worst are full to the brim and boiling over with murderous exaltation. (Hitch 22, p. 422)
The April 4, 2018 Academic Freedom statement from Liberal Arts explains why, free of reprisal, students and professors must remain free to read texts, view films, and entertain ideas and theories in the Mass Art classroom.