Summer 2022
Reshoot-new footage from piece from Spring 2022. WIP, sample of a ‘palette’ of body clusters.
Themes of gravity, surrender, endurance, play, the absurd. Animation outside of the studio. Polyphony in terms of multiples and movement.
Response to an assignment from theory readings Eye and Mind and The Sublime and the Avant-Garde. Thinking about contradiction, and how a body in a space can be interpreted. Play/sacredness (pain/pleasure) as well as a continued exploration of performance and aliveness, aliveness as the countering of gravity.
Exploration of a two channel idea, thinking of animation.
Rough cut of exploration of process, as well as performance. The body as subject/object, traditional art practices, play, fracture. (Separately the idea of Motherhood and fracture is brewing)
Animation WIP exploration of pixelation, multiples, replacement animation, lens, time
Read : Vibrant Matters Jane Bennett
Metaphors We Live By George Lakoff
Eye and Mind Merleau-Ponty
The Sublime and The Avant-Garde Lyotard