Summer 2021
Assignment, part 1, remake an experimental film faithful as possible to camera angle, lighting etc. This is my remake of Patty Chang’s Fountain 1999. I was initially drawn to the original film because if its directness, simplicity and vulnerability as well as the drinking in of one’s self/identity .
Part 2, Remake of the remake. parameters include change location, depth of camera etc. With the idea of simplifying further, I removed the mirror and subsequently, created a challenge with working with water. With exploration the solution revealed itself. Further work planned on additional chapters, sound and or multiple channel projections. Discovery of process being a fuel for ideas if trust and follow what presents without judgement. Themes of failure to communicate, the frustration of translation and letting go.( Subsequently watched and fascinated by translation of silent- Christine Sun Kim )
Abandoned Patty Chang Ideas
Multiple Chanel Test
Gallery of Explorations