We are a group —  six MEd art education students at MassArt and one of our professors — who have worked over the past year to identify and investigate issues we care about related to our teaching. 

We gathered data through observation, written and drawn notes, photographs, videos, interviews, published literature, focus groups, student work, and surveys. We reflected on this information and analyzed it first by writing reflective “memos” and then by identifying “codes” that came up as important in the data, both our own and in published literature. This coding allowed us to develop an “evidenced story” of what happened with the issues we focused on over the year. 

On this site, we describe our projects and our stories about them in a variety of ways. We made podcasts, photo essays, drawings, cognitive maps, presentation slides, written documents, and videos. 

And we aren’t finished! Please visit us over the next year or so to see how our site unfolds. We hope you’ll comment and, who knows, maybe join as a podcast guest sometime! We hope you are inspired to investigate and tell your own stories about teaching that matter to you. 

We believe in the wisdom that comes from artistic and teaching practice — and from what our students teach us.

MassArt MEd 2020 Graduate Action Research