My work this term focuses on the interactions and relationships between people. The social scenes even with two individuals in their environment and containment of a scenario, can be a story in itself. For every word, movement, or gesture there is an effect. Even expressed words can be interpreted differently than intended and the lack of vocal language only adds more ambiguity and mystery to the story. Relationship is an ongoing wonder, it is probably the most challenging task for many.
Impressed and inspired from an early age by Velazquez’s master works, from Las Menias to The Water Seller, the social scenes, what connects people and incites reactions and interactions between people fascinates and mesmerizes me. Any relationship is a reciprocal phenomenon. My art continues to explore and investigate the fragility and duality of something fundamentally simple yet can be supremely complex. From the mere greetings to more engaging social interactions. In private settings such as the interior in these two canvases, the dynamic of a communication or lack thereof, is profound.
Melancholy or joy, quietness or chaos, each moment has a story and tells a tale. Unspoken words sometimes are as effective as vocal ones. Silence speaks volume as noise can become muted, indecipherable, meaningless.