MassArt Fashion Design

April 27, 2020
by crestrepo


COVID-19 Dress designed by EDNA CHERY, FDC in Couture Design course with Jennifer Varekamp

The idea came to Fashion Design Certificate student Edna Chery as she contemplated the world’s current public health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Edna states “While most are staying inside to observe the stay-at-home recommended to help control the spread of the Corona virus, many are out there, risking there lives and the wellbeing of their families, to care for the sick.  This virus has killed a lot of people around the world, including heroic Doctors and Nurses.  My design is a tribute to those fighting this mortal enemy on the front line, to our Heros.  It is also a message to all – that we must act responsibly to help stop the spread of the virus.”

Placing the mask over the belly is to protect the unborn in the womb. The black skirt represents our mourning of friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors we’ve lost. 

“Art has no limit, it will always find a way regardless of the situation to express itself!”  

April 26, 2020
by crestrepo


FD junior Gunes Wong organized a group of MassArt students and alumni along with friends, family and volunteers to make the much needed masks that were delivered to local hospitals, retirement homes and Rosie’s Place.  Thanks for over 1,500 masks made by Gunes Wong, Julia Bailey, Maddy Johnson, Jackie Mones, Laiba Azhar, Angelina Richardson, Bobbi Colburn Lillian Pexton, Puningy Rui Yang, Emma Morgan, Leah Cretella, Caroline Fortin, Masooma Ali, Louis Katzovitz, Ashleigh McKoy, Melissa Pierre-Louis, Heather Varda, Queen Adeline – Faculty Jennifer Varekamp, Kenlyn Jones and Studio Manager Christian Restrepo.

“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate action of its members.” – Coretta Scott King

April 23, 2020
by crestrepo

DIGITAL FORMAT FOR PROFESSIONAL REVIEWS brings together FD Seniors with Industry Professionals

During the second week in May FD seniors will meet top industry professionals and present their portfolios in our first fully digital Professional Review.  Top representatives – creative directors, design team leaders, product developers and FD alumni in key positions will be viewing presentations from 31 FD seniors via Zoom. 

Julia Harrington’s portfolio page for Kenneth Cole Footwear Design Project

April 22, 2020
by crestrepo


Seniors in Specialized Fashion with Cara Tuttle visited with Casey Bixby. Casey covered her job responsibilities and industry practices from using an original sample, getting fabric approval, drawing specs in detail, traveling the market and presenting showroom and catalogue layouts for multiple brands.

April 21, 2020
by crestrepo


Message from MassArt Alumna Shirley Willett
Fashion Design Class of 1955

Perspectives on a Future

Clothing designers must go back to being engineer, as I remember in the early and mid 20th century in Boston, when stitching in factories. They will enable to artfully bring quality clothing back into existence. Creative ideas will all come from consumers as to what they want to wear. Every human being has the ability to create. If we want to elevate taste, we must elevate consumer desires, through education, not through marketing. In fact, frivolous marketing of brands as known today will become extinct, following retail. Inner spirituality will dominate young consumer minds, and they will be drawn to understand their own inner selves, with clothing as their personal expression.

All consumers must learn through history the true purpose of clothing, to express their own inner feelings, not those of celebrity or any other designers. Personal inner desires will become more prevalent in the future. James Laver, famous costume historian at the Victoria and Albert Museum is known for: “Fashion is the mirror of the soul.” I would add, especially “a mirror of society’s soul”.

It is design engineers who must restart this new fashion industry. Beautiful, quality fashion clothing must be artfully engineered to enable many transformations and wearings, while maintaining its beauty for many consumers to wear. In so doing we avoid the “cheap throwaway culture”, that is ruining the earth.

“Mass custom” and “Soul expression” for everyone – but only a few will lead the evolution. Unfortunately words, as a social medium, are not the best expression of the individual inner soul – but fashion clothing can be.

PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE: Fashion Memoir, 70 Years … by Shirley Willett

A most important fashion memoir of 70 years of Design, Education, Engineering, Manufacturing & Technology. Follow Shirley’s life from her first business at age 14 in 1947, through being named Boston’s No, 1 designer by WWD in 1960s to manufacturing & selling to top stores to designing future success for fashion entrepreneurs.

April 18, 2020
by crestrepo

FD SOPHOMORES complete Design Projects

Dat Duong FD’22 presented his geometric project in class via Zoom with Assistant Professor Cara Tuttle.  Dat met his model at an outdoor location, practiced safe social distancing, and took the photos himself.  The outdoor lighting really helps to give the work presence.

The design created by Lisa Nakanishi FD’22 remains in the MassArt Fashion Design studio – awaiting her return.  The Non-textile dress was completed just before our move to work remotely.  1950s bullet bras inspired the bodice cup silhouette.  Lisa used approximately 

5 pounds of 24” synthetic hair, paper plates and rubber bands.

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