- Bird in Flight, side view
- Bird in Flight, Front View
- Bird in Flight, Breast Feathers
- Bird in Flight, looking up
- Bird in Flight, Tail Feathers
- Bird in Flight Detail
- Rump Feathers with Diagram
- Covert Tail Feathers, with Diagram
The House Finch (haemorhous mexicanus) is an invasive species of bird with a red head and throat. Scruffy, gregarious, talkative things, they live near homes and people. At Thorndike Field, they hang out in a large impenetrable thicket of wild rose along the edge of the woods and field. Finches are classified as Fringillidae, and are members of the passerine (Passeriforme), or songbird, order. This piece is in progress. Please see the end of this segment for animated diagrams of the finished sculpture.
Materials: aluminum tooling foil, crochet string, beeswax.
Sculpture IN PROCESS:
FEATHERS, details and process
Passerine songbirds have between 1,600 and 2,500 feathers. The total number of feathers made for this piece is about 1,650. Not all of them fit. They are divided into categories by type, and strung into place using a diagram.
- Top of sculpture. different color beads for each type of feather
- Rump feathers awaiting string
- foil
- beeswax
- crochet string
- 8 primary flight feathers, right wing
- 8 primary flight feathers, left wing
- 10 secondary flight feathers, right wing
- 10 secondary flight feathers, left wing
- 2 Alula (thumb)
- 50 greater coverts, right wing
- 50 greater coverts, left wing
- 108 greater median coverts
- 41 median coverts
- 26 primary coverts, right wing
- 26 primary coverts, left wing
- 163 underwing coverts
- 311 head feathers
- 108 Mantle Feathers
- 99 scapular
- 308 belly and breast feathers
- 207 flank
- 308 rump feathers
- 37 tail coverts
- 12 tail feathers
- Feather Placement, Bottom View
- Feather Placement, Top View
A small video describing the “feel” of the proposed installation combining WALK and BIRD IN FLIGHT.