A contextual intermedia artist, I create embodied installations and participatory experiences.
With an interest in how we move our bodies through time and space, my art invites change through embodiment. My installations are spaces in which to consider and sometimes alter how we connect, and how we encounter, both one another and the environment around us. Currently I am focused on developing spaces and experiences in which new rhythms and a lingering can occur. By working across materials to better underscore the ideas, spaces and audiences at hand, my intermedia art opens up a time and space in which to experience a shift in how we relate to one another, as well as to reconsider our human balance between the biosphere and the infosphere.
Through various combinations of video, sound, electronics, language, textiles, handcraft, sculptural objects and performative gesture, I construct unnatural environments and experiential situations wherein the audience can perceive and respond corporeally. Addressing the senses and other physical response systems of our bodies, I bring forth materially in art what is typically considered invisible, such as air, breath, sound, energetic fields, time, change.
In addition to creating experiences for and of the body, I also critically and playfully examine the unspoken weight and hegemony of language. Both visible and invisible, audible and silent, language both binds and divides us. Through the vibrations of our voices and the object-ness of our writing, our choices in language use both reveal and obscure our thoughts and intentions. Whether through a body-mind divide, or through a difference in mother tongue, or how our physical bodies respond through shape and gesture to others, what we are saying and how we are saying it does not stop with the spoken or written word alone. I look to open up in language use spaces in which we might also linger and relate differently.