I am interested in manifesting visible the invisible in my work. A primary focus in this realm at the moment is Air as a material. This materiality includes air as a substance; sky as surrounding element and vast field of this substance; and breath–the air moving in and out of our bodies. Air is transformed by our actions and interactions. It is timeless and ever changing. It reflects the world and reveals our actions.
Morning Sky (01 January–31 December 2021)
Each morning, upon waking, I go outdoors and take a picture of the sky with an iPhone. East is always on my left as I aim the camera directly upwards. The view must be clear of trees and buildings. During 2021, there were five days I was distracted by life or in quarantine. These skies are represented with black screens as placeholders. Twice I was on an airplane flying overseas. Once I was in an airport. These photos are self-evident through their compositional differences. The photos are taken in Glasgow, Scotland; Boston, Massachusetts; Oakland, California; and Berlin, Germany.
For previous work exploring Air as a material, please see also: