Libro Illeggibile. MN 1 by Bruno Munari
“In 1949, Italian designer Bruno Munari began creating “illegible books,” books which give up all pretense of textual communication in favor of pure aesthetics. These books use oddly-cut pages in bright colors to communicate through form, color, and pattern instead of written information. Munari omits the traditional elements of the book–colophon, title, page numbers and index–and transforms the reading of the book into a quasi-musical experience, where the turning of the pages is rhythmic rather than narrative. MOMA held an exhibit of these books in 1955, and in 1984, Munari submitted the prototype for a mass-produced version, Libro Illeggibile MN 1 to Maurizio Corraini publishing house. This seventh edition comes packaged in a white envelope explaining the book’s history and development.”