Welcome Back!

Welcome (or welcome back) to ArtEd for Fall 2014!

Your faculty and staff are excited by your return to campus this week! Here’s a little news to get you in the mood for the opening days.

Department Orientation is Wednesday, September 3, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM in our Arnheim Gallery.  Please come!   We host this for Sophomores, sure, but we’d like it to be a community opening for the upper-class-people, too — and for the faculty and staff. It’s our community gathering so please come out for it!

This year, the faculty will facilitate an interactive-fishbowl conversation about quality in art education. We’ll talk about some images both among ourselves and with you all. It’s a conversation without an answer, and we’re excited to start getting ideas on the table.

I’d also love to try an experiment of having volunteers draw documentation on large sheets of paper, capturing key words and images of concepts and threads of conversation as they occur. PLEASE volunteer to give this a try if it sounds like fun. We’re very interested in making our conversations visible and visual!

When we’ve finished with the conversation, we’ll meet in advisor groups, get information about studios from Kyle, and have pizza for lunch.

Please plan on coming. And please contact Lois Hetland, Department Chair, if you’re unable to come for any reason.

We have a few new faces among the faculty and staff, as well as two missing faces. So here’s the profile of the new faculty and staff of ArtEd.

Lois Hetland is department chair and also teaching two courses. Faculty  also include the familiar faces of Aimee Archambault (formerly DeBose), Beth Balliro, Jen Hall, Adriana Katzew, and Laura Reeder. Our adjunct faculty this fall includes Dave Ardito, Paul Briggs, John Crowe, Chandra Ortiz, Lyssa Palu-ay, and Kevin Townsend. We also have liaisons with the department of Academic Advising (Jessica Petriello), Liberal Arts (Marika Preziusio), and the Library (Greg Wallace). Be sure to introduce yourselves!

In other personnel news:
* A returning face is Maureen Kelly, who was on sabbatical last year and for the three years before that, served as interim Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs. We’re thrilled to have her back in the department teaching with us again.
* Our Studio Manager, Kyle Brock, is now full-time in ArtEd — we’re feeling really lucky about that.
* Missing this year is Steve Locke, who is on sabbatical. Missing him already!
* Another missing face is Deborah Simmerman, who retired last spring after 32 years in the department. Also missing HER already!
*Our NEW department assistant is Cailee Mellen, whom I’ve asked to pen a few words to introduce herself below. But be sure to stop in and greet and get to know her — she’s a wonderful addition who’s helped us so much already! Welcome, Cailee.

We’re eager to hear about your summers, get reacquainted at Orientation on Wednesday, and start classes on Thursday! We’re planning some exciting events, too, so stay tuned for updates! Please make the department webpage your computer home page or remember to check in daily– we post lots of information here!
Department Chair