Author Archives: Anita Hodges-Zand


After many year as an illustrator and graphic designer, I am returning to MassArt as a first year BLR candid to follow my passion, making art.
My subject matter is the world around me, the row boat floating on a pond by my home, a fenced in yard, the atmosphere created by the upheaval of the current global situation…
I start each piece with an intention writing in a material that repels water; oil pastels, used candle wax and even crayons. In the case of the work i did during 3 months in quarantine in San Francisco I started my work with an ode to Mother Earth.
From there I start manipulating the surface. Many of the tools I use to create my marks are made by discarded household item, plastic netting from onion bags, to bottle caps, even hair dies are used as paint. I give every day objects a second chance, trying to recycle as much as I can. Mother Earth needs all the help she can get.